There’s a good reason for this change in protocol, and it has to do with the queen’s hospitalization last week. It’s also not the only shift that the 95-year-old monarch has faced in recent times. Read on to see why the queen will no longer attend events alone and to learn more about the current state of her health. RELATED: The One Thing Queen Elizabeth Never Leaves Home Without. On Oct. 20, the queen spent the night in the hospital. “Following medical advice to rest for a few days, The Queen attended hospital on Wednesday afternoon for some preliminary investigations, returning to Windsor Castle at lunchtime today [Thursday], and remains in good spirits,” a Buckingham palace spokesperson said in a statement to CNN. That same Wednesday and Thursday, Elizabeth was supposed to visit Northern Ireland, but the trip was canceled. “Her Majesty is in good spirits and is disappointed that she will no longer be able to visit Northern Ireland, where she had been due to undertake a series of engagements today and tomorrow,” the palace said in a statement.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb According to The Telegraph, Elizabeth will no longer appear at official events on her own and will always be accompanied by another family member. This is so that if she needs to cancel her attendance due to her health, the other family member will still be able to be present. As The Telegraph reports, the schedules of other members of the royal family had already become busier because they have already been accompanying the queen to more events following the death of her husband, Prince Philip. The Royal Family website lists only one future engagement for the queen. On Nov. 1, she’s set to attend a reception in Scotland for the COP-26 Summit. COP-26 is this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference—the 26th conference of its kind. According to The Royal Family Twitter account, other members of the royal family are expected to attend COP-26 events, as well. Any other upcoming events for the queen are not currently listed publicly. The queen did carry out engagements virtually on Tuesday, Oct. 26. The palace shared that she spoke with the ambassador from South Korea and the ambassador from Switzerland over video chat. Elizabeth was at Windsor Castle, while the ambassadors were at Buckingham Palace. For more celebrity news delivered right to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Earlier this month, Vanity Fair reported that the queen was advised to give up her daily cocktail, which is usually a martini. This was said to be so she is as healthy as possible for her busy schedule, which includes next year’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The Platinum Jubilee marks her 70th anniversary as queen. “It’s not really a big deal for her. She is not a big drinker,” a family friend told Vanity Fair, “but it seems a trifle unfair that at this stage in her life she’s having to give up one of very few pleasures.” The Daily Mail reported on Monday that the queen was not walking her dogs after doctors told her to rest following her hospital stay. According to the publication, her friends and family believe that her daily walks with her dogs are a “tonic” that have helped keep her healthy. The queen has had dogs since her childhood and currently has three: two corgis and one dorgi—a corgi and dachshund mix. RELATED: Prince Harry Says the Royal Family Is “Scared” of the British Tabloids.