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80 English Tongue Twisters Sure to Make You Stumble

Share the tongue twisters below with friends, family, students, and more. See how many the group can get through. Remember that these aren’t supposed to be easy, so go slowly at first. Feel free to make mistakes and start again as needed!

Short Tongue Twisters

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Long Tongue Twisters

Funny Tongue Twisters

Hard Tongue Twisters

What is a tongue twister?

A tongue twister is defined by a sequence of words or sounds that often have an alliterative quality. These expressions are designed to be difficult to pronounce, especially when recited quickly.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

What do people use tongue twisters for?

Many educators use tongue twisters for kids when reinforcing reading skills. These expressions provide opportunities for children to exercise certain muscles in the mouth and practice their pronunciation. Individuals who teach English as a second language also use these expressions to help students increase fluency.

How can I get better at tongue twisters?

Experts have offered up the following tips to help you recite tongue twisters:

Start slow and get familiar with the phrases Repeat often Rehearse problem areas Focus on your articulation Identify helpful mouth positions

Wrapping Up

That’s it for our list of tongue twisters. Be sure to check back with us soon for more material to share with the ones you love. You can also sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss out on what’s coming next!